GBP Payout
This page shows the request payload for processing GBP Payout to Local GBP Beneficiaries
Request Body
Element | Description | Type | Example | Required |
| Currency Code for the transaction which is NGN | String, 3 digits | GBP | Yes |
| Full name of the beneficiary account | string | Account Holder | Yes |
| Account Number of beneficiary | String | 8 digits, no special characters, no space, no alphanumeric | 01234567 | Yes |
| Transaction Amount to be sent to beneficiary | Float | Integer
Must be greater or equal to 1.00, 2 Decimal places | 100, 100.20 | Yes |
| Description for transaction, which user will see | String, maxlength: 100 character | E.g “Payment for lunch” | Yes |
| The payment method type supported for this transaction is “SortCode” | String | ENUM | “SortCode” | Yes |
| This is the sortcode of the beneficiary account bank, your beneficiary must supply this | String, all integers, 6 digits | 040004 | Yes |
| This is your reference linked to the transaction, this will be returned with a prefix and unique for each transaction | string | If you pass “TYGHR”, it will be returned as “RTDF-TYGHR”, just as an example | Yes |
| Address of the beneficiary | string |
| No |
| Country of the beneficiary: GB | string | Iso2: GB | Yes |
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