Generate Payment Link
Step 1: Click on the get started button
Step 2: Complete the sign-up process (Refer to sign-up process)
Step 3: Sign in to the Dev Portal with a valid credential
Step 4: Navigate to the collections menu as shown below and click on Payment Gateway
Step 5: Click on the generate Payment link
System displays the page below
Step 6: The merchant enters the required Payment Link information as shown below
(Merchant chooses from the available link types ; Reusable, One-time link) These link types can either be Static or Dynamic)
Dynamic Type: allows customers (Merchants) to enter any amount of their choice defined within the allowed transaction limit threshold. Dynamic payment links are reusable, with varying amounts and payment requests can be sent in bulk.
The Static type means the attributes (Amount) of the payment link remain unchanged while the Dynamic payment links are reusable, with varying amounts and payment requests can be sent in bulk.
Step 7: The merchant clicks on Generate
System displays the page below
Step 8: Merchant may copy and share link with prospective customers via any preferred social medium platform where their business is being advised.
Step 9: Potential customers click on the link and follow subsequent instructions to initiate payment successfully (Read more about the customer checkout process)