Title: Fetch Transaction details
Description: This endpoint is used to retrieve transaction details for a specific transfer transaction by either using Transaction reference or Tenant reference
HTTP Method: GET
Headers: authorization Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY
First, you need to pass either a Transaction reference
or Tenant Reference.
Query Params
txnref *
Sample Response code : 200
{ "batchId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "debitAccountNumber": "string", "debitAccountName": "string", "beneficiaryAccountNumber": "string", "currencyCode": "string", "currencySymbol": "string", "amount": 0, "narration": "string", "status": "string", "previousBalance": 0, "currentBalance": 0, "payoutType": "None", "tenantReference": "string", "paymentReference": "string", "beneficiaryAccountName": "string", "beneficiaryPaymentMethod": "string", "beneficiaryPaymentMethodValue": "string" }
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