Single Fund Transfer



Step 1: Call Initiate Single Funds Transfer Endpoint

Title: Initiate Funds Transfer (Single Payout Fund Transfer)

Description: This endpoint is used to initiate funds transfer to single recipients irrespective of the currency type. However, the payload differs per currency




{ "value": { "reference": "TFGXSADPPO", "tenantReference": "Bd47-f1594517-b628-475b-80f5-933728514268" }, "isSuccess": true, "error": "", "message": "transfer is being processed", "responseCode": null, "type": null, "title": null, "status": 202, "detail": null, "instance": null, "extensions": {} }
{ "failures": [ "'Narration' must not be empty." ], "isSuccess": false, "error": null, "message": null, "responseCode": null, "type": "ValidationException", "title": "A Validation error occured on the supplied payload.", "status": 400, "detail": "One or More Validation Failures Have Occurred.", "instance": null, "extensions": { "traceId": "00-5a468e4e778fae961b82943d712c6629-25bf6f428e334f1a-00" } }
{ "isSuccess": false, "error": "9977598776's balance (89970.00) is not sufficient to process a transaction of amount (1000000020)", "message": "9977598776's balance (89970.00) is not sufficient to process a transaction of amount (1000000020)", "responseCode": null, "type": null, "title": null, "status": 400, "detail": null, "instance": null, "extensions": {} }

Please See next section for Request payloads for payout in different currencies

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