Panel |
Title: Fetch Single Transaction details |
Panel |
Description: This endpoint is used to retrieve transaction details for a specific transfer transaction by either using Transaction reference or Tenant reference |
Panel |
URL:{txnRef} |
Panel |
HTTP Method: GETBase URL: |
Panel |
Headers: authorization Set value to Bearer SECRET_KEY string HTTP Method: GET
First, you need to pass either a Transaction reference
or Tenant Reference.
Element | Description | Type | Example | Required |
reference | The reference of the transaction | String to be pass as path variable | Reference can be either “tenantReference " or "reference " | Yes |
Panel |
Sample Response code : 200Response Payload |
Expand |
title | Response Payload (Success) |
| json | {
"value": {
"batchId": " | 3fa85f6457174562b3fc2c963f66afa6e7f99a68bb7b",
"debitAccountNumber": " | string9977598776",
"debitAccountName": " | stringMERCHANT(Bolly group)",
"beneficiaryAccountNumber": " | string0112345678",
"currencyCode": " | stringNGN",
"currencySymbol": " | string0stringstringSuccessful",
"previousBalance": | 00NoneDebit",
"tenantReference": " | stringBd47-972",
"paymentReference": " | stringTH8BPQIPPO",
"beneficiaryAccountName": " | stringAccount Name",
"beneficiaryPaymentMethod": " | stringBankCode",
"beneficiaryPaymentMethodValue": | "string""999998"
"isSuccess": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"responseCode": null,
"type": null,
"title": null,
"status": 200,
"detail": null,
"instance": null,
"extensions": {}
} |
Expand |
title | Response Payload (Error) |
Code Block |
| {
"value": null,
"isSuccess": true,
"error": "",
"message": "",
"responseCode": null,
"type": null,
"title": null,
"status": 200,
"detail": null,
"instance": null,
"extensions": {}
} |
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